Dwight Nichols (Author, Teacher, Financial Coach)

Executive Director at Urban Impact International Ministry /Founder of Destiny Institute School of Finance /Author: “God’s Plans For Your Finances “ and  “ Managing Your Money in a Changing Economy”


At 5 or 6 years old, my father said something that flipped a switch on the inside that set the course for my life…

As a child growing up in the rural south, I was the oldest of 10 children. We lived in one of the poorest communities in the country at that time. Expectations were low and economic opportunities were limited. Yet, over the years, I have started more than 10 corporations of my own and as an Investment Banker and Financial Consultant, I have assisted a countless number of other business owners start and grow successful businesses. 

Although my fathernever finished high school, he believed that education and hard work were the key to success in life. 

What my father said was, “it doesn’t matter where you start in life, it’s where you finish that counts. Don’t ever let anyone tell you what you can or can’t do. You can do anything that you believe that you can do. So, get a good education, work hard and make something out of your life.”  These simple words set the foundation for my life and my passion as it relates to the value of education and the power it has to transform people lives…

God has deposited in every individual certain gifts, talents, abilities, and unique personal experiences that He wants you to share with the world. These gifts, talents and abilities hold the keys to your financial future.   But there are basic principles that you must learn in order to release these hidden treasures. 

My Passion, as an author and teacher is to provide practical knowledge that transforms people lives and change financial conditions. In my books, online courses, small business mentoring/entrepreneur programs and educational resources, my goal is to share common sense principles and practical strategies to help you discover your hidden treasures…. So that you can share them with others.

Specialties: Christian Financial planning and small business coaching 

programs… Which includes Financial Stewardship, Women Financial Planning, Business development Conferences and Urban Economic Empowerment Conferences, B2B online marketing Personal finance 101 Courses, basic money management course, Financial leadership training, Women and small business coaching, Financial Health… Goal setting, Budgeting, Debt elimination, investing, money management and wealth creation.


  • MS, Carnegie Mellon University (Pittsburgh PA), Heinz School of Public Policy, Concentrating in Finance and Economics
  • BS, Dillard University (New Orleans, LA)- Mathematics and Physics

Career Highlights

Executive Director & Founder, Urban Impact International Ministries ( A Financial Education ministry that addresses Financial and economic issues in Urban Communities )

Dallas/ Ft Worth Metro Plex, TX (September 1994 – to Present). 

A Nonprofit dedicated to providing financial leadership training, financial consulting, and teaching principles of Personal Entrepreneurship and Biblical Economics as a tool for economic empowerment … To minister to the economic and spiritual needs of urban communities and developing nations.

As a former investment banker, I have a unique understanding of Public & Corporate Finance, Financial Markets, and economic trends as they relate to financial planning and Community Economic Development.

Our goal is to partner with individuals, churches, businesses, and community leaders who share our vision to impact underserved communities by sharing Biblical principles to help families and communities overcome/escape a lifestyle of poverty and financial dependency.

As a Financial Consultant, we have been successful in building relationships with, banks, Insurance companies and other service providers who want to assist us in sharing these lifechanging principles to help individuals/ families and Christian in urban Communities and developing nations. 

Founder and CEO Destiny Institute School of Finance, (A Financial Education and Small business mentoring program)  Mobile, Alabama (December 2009 – Present)

The Destiny Institute provides financial education courses and small business coaching programs designed to empower individuals and families to overcome a life of financial dependency, change their financial conditions and build wealth through strategic investing and business ownership.

We teach individuals how to escape the 9 to 5 mentality, where someone else controls their time and Income, to where they are in control of their own financial destiny, even as a fixed income wage earner … 

Our books/articles/videos and financial mentoring programs are designed to teach you how to exit the paycheck-to-paycheck lifestyle and build wealth… So that you are free to have a greater impact for the kingdom of God. 

We provide common sense strategies and practical principles on how to manage money, eliminate debt, increase income, break free from a life of financial dependency, and build wealth through strategic planning and business ownership… 

Investment Banker, Stephens Inc.  and Bryan Worley Investment Bankers Inc.

Little Rock Arkansas (January 1980 – January 1991). 

Was responsible for marketing debt and equity securities to banks, insurance companies, municipalities and other institutional investors and  building sales networks (Book of Business) to of public and private institutions for the purpose of raising capital for corporate and government clients. The Position required Series a 7 Security License, extensive knowledge of planning, organizational finance and administrative management, debt and equity finance, federal and state regulations, national and international economic trends, and business cycles. 

Managing Director, National Council of Contractors Association (NCCA) a Small Contractors Mentoring Program – 

NCCA, a small contractor coaching program dedicatedto assisting women and minority businesses owners to organize and manage their businesses to become “bankable and bondable.” So, that they could successfully bid on local, state, and federal contracts…Houston, Texas, Little Rock, Arkansas and Jacksonville, Florida.

Posts/blogs (Links)

  • (Link) … Learn The Top 10 Money Mistakes You Should Avoid in2023… Design emails people love to get. (flodesk.com)
  • (Link) … How to Change your Financial Conditions in 2023
  • (Link) … YouTube Channel
  • (Link) … Linked In
  • (Link) … Facebook  and Face book Community

Books/Publications (Links)

Please feel free to contact me via LinkedIn, My Facebook group or dn@DwightNichols.com

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If you enjoyed the Top 10 Money Management Mistakes and the Steps You can take to Avoid Them, the next step in your financial journey is to learn God’s principles/rules that govern financial prosperity and economic success and apply them to your life on a consistent basis.

We are here to help you every step of the way…